Version 4/21/2024. Use Reader View for text only | Print version (PDF 14 pages, 164 KB)

Previous Versions: Bylaws 4/10/2022, Bylaws 3/20/2021, Bylaws 2/7/2020.

Garden Bylaws
East Side Outside Community Garden

Established, April 2017
Revised, April 2019, September 2019, February 2020.
Approved unanimously by proxy vote, 7 February 2020.
Amended and adopted Article VII, March 20, 2021.
Revised, March 2022: Unanimously approved by vote of members at monthly meeting 10 April 2022.
Amended 21 April 2024 by unanimous vote of members.

Article I: Name, Location, and Oversight
Article II: Purpose and Mission
Article Ill: Boundaries
Article IV: Membership
Article V: Dues
Article VI: Meetings
Article VII: Garden Board
Article VIII: Quorum, Voting, and Decision-making
Article IX: Bylaw Amendments I Alterations and Rules of Assembly
Article X: Finances

Article I: Name, Location, and Oversight

Article II: Purpose and Mission

Article Ill: Boundaries

Article IV: Membership

  • Speak with one another after walking away and cooling down.
  • Conflicting parties are encouraged to resolve conflicts among themselves in good faith.
  • Keep to the issues and solutions and not about the people involved (i.e., do not name names).

Article V: Dues

Article VI: Meetings

Article VII: Garden Board

Article VIII: Quorum, Voting, and Decision-making

Article IX: Bylaw Amendments I Alterations and Rules of Assembly

Article X: Finances

Bylaws – East Side Outside Community Garden 2024